Grateful Dead Live at Polo Field, Golden Gate Park on 1967-01-14
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- Publication date
- 1967-01-14 ( check for other copies)
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- Live concert
- Collection
- GratefulDead
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- Grateful Dead
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- DeadLists Project
- Item Size
- 244.7M
Morning Dew, Viola Lee Blues, Good Morning Little School Girl*
SBD>MR >?>CDR; The great human be-in; via Raoul Duke; Seeded to etree by Matt Vernon
- Access-restricted-item
- true
- Addeddate
- 2004-06-02 15:07:16
- Discs
- 1
- Has_mp3
- 1
- Identifier
- gd67-01-14.sbd.vernon.9108.sbeok.shnf
- Lineage
- SBD > MR > ? > CDR > CDR > EAC(secure) > Cool Edit(remove isolated pops) > mkwACT > SHN (seekable)
- Location
- San Francisco, CA
- Shndiscs
- 1
- Source
- Soundboard
- Transferred by
- Raoul Duke and Matt Vernon
- Type
- sound
- Year
- 1967
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 1, 2017
Subject: Morning Dew date
Subject: Morning Dew date
Almost positive this Dew is 10-12-68, the drippingly awesome show when Pigpen wasn't there that night, thus no organ.
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November 14, 2015
Subject: columbia revolt
Subject: columbia revolt
the audio of golden road I believe is audio via the 1st album. I could be wrong as Its been thirty years since I last viewed it. but Im pretty certain
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August 25, 2013 (edited)
Subject: -
Subject: -
Yeah, this sounds like a late '67 show to me too, probably not '68; I'm getting to know the different sound systems & can usually tell them even through different quality recordings. The energy of the two adjacent periods is slightly different too. But Garcia was still playing a Guild Starfire in January '67, and this is clearly a Gibson Les Paul, maybe with P90 pickups, so a '60s model, which would also have been more affordable than the ones he would buy later. Anyway, nobody can't tell the difference between a Starfire and a LP. Just listen!
Blistering, raging Dew...oops! Wait a minute. Dew is not from the same show as the rest of this. The Viola Lee could well be from January. Good chance to learn the difference between the first 2 guitars Jerry played in the Dead. God, I mean...nice playing there, but your tone sounds like you're playing through an AM transistor radio and you don't dare turn up the volume in front of that Twin. Yeah, he loved his new Gibson when he got it!
Funny, interesting rap during Schoolgirl. Nice flute sometimes too.
Blistering, raging Dew...oops! Wait a minute. Dew is not from the same show as the rest of this. The Viola Lee could well be from January. Good chance to learn the difference between the first 2 guitars Jerry played in the Dead. God, I mean...nice playing there, but your tone sounds like you're playing through an AM transistor radio and you don't dare turn up the volume in front of that Twin. Yeah, he loved his new Gibson when he got it!
Funny, interesting rap during Schoolgirl. Nice flute sometimes too.
May 10, 2013
Subject: Human Be-In
Subject: Human Be-In
I noticed yesterday that a color video of the Dead at the Human Be-in on 1-14-67 has been posted on Voodoonola. Some have remarked that Pigpen is not on stage at the Be-in, but there he is, although, like Phil, low in the audio. This is definitely the Be-in of 1-14 with Rosie McGee dancing on stage, the kid waving the flag, and many iconic images from still photographs. Tim Leary grinning. Ferlinghetti (I think). I wonder if the 1-14-67 audio is a new source? I prefer it slightly. I am now convinced that the VLB on the archive as 1-14-67 is from the Be-in. Not sure about the beautiful Morning Dew. Voodoonola also have video of Columbia 5-3-68 (New (Potato Caboose on the soundtrack) and the Haight Street show on 3-3-68. The film Columbia Revolt has a live Golden Road on the soundtrack which I don't think I have heard before. Cheers.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 15, 2013
Subject: Happy Sunny Day
Subject: Happy Sunny Day
I can’t find my tape! I had this on one side backed by a bunch of Bay Area interviews from way back with snippets of other songs/shows. Was a weird listen, but I wanted to compare the Dews since some people are saying this is not from the Be-In.
Morning Dew is as good as any in the canon.
Schoolgirl is take it or leave it. Is that Ron Burgundy? :)
Viola Lee is always great. She’s a big sexy, crazy, razor-toting Destroyer of Souls! There are faster, louder, more intense versions, but I think this Viola Lee suits nice to a big dance party at the Polo Field.
Morning Dew is as good as any in the canon.
Schoolgirl is take it or leave it. Is that Ron Burgundy? :)
Viola Lee is always great. She’s a big sexy, crazy, razor-toting Destroyer of Souls! There are faster, louder, more intense versions, but I think this Viola Lee suits nice to a big dance party at the Polo Field.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 14, 2013
Subject: You never see those people anyway . . .
Subject: You never see those people anyway . . .
There's not too many songs this recording to comment on, but the praise for Morning Dew is worthy ! It's always been a fav since my 1st show 10/16/88. Love that VLB ! Wow for not being born yet, and to enjoy this 46 years later, makes it so special to me. What an outstanding historical little time-capsule this one is. All these songs just leave me smiling :)
Words cannot express my gratitude for all involved ! Thank you will have to do !! 5*****
Words cannot express my gratitude for all involved ! Thank you will have to do !! 5*****
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 7, 2012
Subject: WOW
Subject: WOW
Say what you will about the sound and the event but musically this is the most atmospheric and emotional Morning Dew I have ever heard by any band ever. The other stuff has its limitations but is worth a listen given the times and event so take it as you will. 40 years later it's easy to laugh but what will they think of us in 2050????
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 4, 2012
Subject: Holy Cow
Subject: Holy Cow
Lets copy what they are doing... said everybody
This music stinks, said no one.
The Dead paved the way music is played today back in the early 60s. So innovative, so powerful and fluid. Just a mere year ago, so raw and exciting and only a year later Jerry refining his craft for the years to come.
Problem is folks- who is hitting that damn gong. Driving me batty since..
Hart joined the Grateful Dead in September 1967, and left in February 1971 when he extricated himself from the band, due to conflict between band management and Mickey's father
If this is a Jan recording, was Pig hitting the gong? More power to bill to pull it off- I just doubt it because im hearing his sticks on the kit and unless he pulled one out of his arse somehow, not likely. Anyway im enjoying. Off to 3-18-67 and January 29, 1967
This music stinks, said no one.
The Dead paved the way music is played today back in the early 60s. So innovative, so powerful and fluid. Just a mere year ago, so raw and exciting and only a year later Jerry refining his craft for the years to come.
Problem is folks- who is hitting that damn gong. Driving me batty since..
Hart joined the Grateful Dead in September 1967, and left in February 1971 when he extricated himself from the band, due to conflict between band management and Mickey's father
If this is a Jan recording, was Pig hitting the gong? More power to bill to pull it off- I just doubt it because im hearing his sticks on the kit and unless he pulled one out of his arse somehow, not likely. Anyway im enjoying. Off to 3-18-67 and January 29, 1967
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 10, 2012
Subject: Three bands played
Subject: Three bands played
It was an amazing experience to be there as a 15 year old - as someone else said of this show - it was more than just a rock concert. Words can't adequately describe the vibe. Writers/poets Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gary Snyder, Michael McClure, Lenore Kandel w/ Timothy Leary, and comedian Dick Gregory; also Richard Alpert who hadn't yet become Ram Dass; also Jerry Rubin all front and center on the stage protected by the Hell's Angels. There were long-haired families with children and babies. The air was pungent with stony weed and promise of beyond-fine music, as..... oh yeah the three bands: Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Jefferson Airplane played for all and completed the ecstasy.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 14, 2011
Subject: The Grateful Dead: Show #111
Subject: The Grateful Dead: Show #111
Passed right over New Years '66 and show #100 but we make up for it with a ((obviously) partial) show from the Human Be-In.
Great first Dew... Riding the White Lightning if you know what I mean. Is that Mickey I hear?.. Making an early appearance if so. Certainly 2 drummers though. Nice and jammy. Would have loved to hear more from this. Keep dropping those bombs Phil. Interesting flute from possibly Charles Lloyd in GMLSG... I can get into it.
Great first Dew... Riding the White Lightning if you know what I mean. Is that Mickey I hear?.. Making an early appearance if so. Certainly 2 drummers though. Nice and jammy. Would have loved to hear more from this. Keep dropping those bombs Phil. Interesting flute from possibly Charles Lloyd in GMLSG... I can get into it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 17, 2011
Subject: Top Notch Morning Dew
Subject: Top Notch Morning Dew
Haven't heard the rest yet, more to come at a later date
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 5, 2011 (edited)
Subject: who's playing the gong?!?!?!?
Subject: who's playing the gong?!?!?!?
As for the date of this Morning Dew - who's playing the gong!!! I only hear one drummer except for when the gong shows up periodically. Mickey Hart seems likely, and this Dew goes not sound at all like late '66 early '67 to my ears. No organ is more likely to be mid '68 IMHO (perhaps this is when Pigpen began to lose interest and TC was yet to arrive?). Lastly the recording sources for the 3 songs here are so obviously different - it's possible that all 3 songs are from the same show, but there is no evidence of this.
Here's an update on my review. Just started reading Phil's book Searching for the Sound. He talks about this show and mentions that the power went out during Morning Dew which doesn't happen on this recording. I'm convinced this Dew is no older than September '67 due to the Gong-Mickey Hart. The sound on this song is 1968 to my ears.
Here's an update on my review. Just started reading Phil's book Searching for the Sound. He talks about this show and mentions that the power went out during Morning Dew which doesn't happen on this recording. I'm convinced this Dew is no older than September '67 due to the Gong-Mickey Hart. The sound on this song is 1968 to my ears.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 3, 2010
Subject: snobs
Subject: snobs
listen, this is the real dope here! people saying mickey was on it? no's Bill and thats all she wrote......i hear weirs guitar splattering all over the place, he was dosed the fuck out, as were the rest.....pigpen excluded? although the way he plays this might have been the famous time he was dosed? naw. phil is a wobbly pillar to set the brace of the tunes against, bur Jerry? holy fuck-bomb acid assassin. this recording is a west coast in your face to clapton and cream, the bluesbreakers........yardbirds, this is a better band......out of control on owsleys.....and the finest psychedelic band that ever strode the planet. what pure un-cut savagery.
tripper jon
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 24, 2009
Subject: This could only happen while listening to the Dead
Subject: This could only happen while listening to the Dead
After watching the News on PBS I put this Dew on and before I could turn the TV off who should appear on the TV screen but Oppenheimer and a shot of a nuclear explosion.
If my history is correct "Morning Dew" was the first folk song to deal with a potential nuclear holocaust. Told from the perspective of two survivors much like the CSN song "Wooden Ships".
The tale of two characters was a favorite song vehicle for the Dead, take "Jack Straw" for instance and the most famous song with a tale of two is "All Along The Watchtower".
I have seen and listened to my share of Dews and if this is indeed the first one played at the Human Be-In it is quite a relaxed version for that time period. If it is , it truly is the birth of Dead music. The ride out in Dew is exactly what the Dead was all about; formlessness inside the form. Good examples are "Dark Star", of course, and later "Playing in the Band" which starts out with form and dissolves into formlessness within the form and then back into form. A musical metaphor for a trip. I always thought the Dead were at there best when they were playing "nothing". Such as a formless transition from one song to another. Those moments never lasted long enough.
Back to the Dew, given it's nuclear theme, a powerful place to see the Dead perform this song was at the Greek Theater in Berkeley. Due to the fact that the nuclear bomb was invented at the Lawrence Laboratory in the Berkeley hills just above the Greek Theater. My favorite of all the Greek Dews was 7/15/88. What a Friday night it was. But as far as this Dew is concerned it is quite incredible. 5 stars for historical context and musically a great Dew and Viola Lee. Just listen to Jerry's playing in the beginning of Viola Lee.
If my history is correct "Morning Dew" was the first folk song to deal with a potential nuclear holocaust. Told from the perspective of two survivors much like the CSN song "Wooden Ships".
The tale of two characters was a favorite song vehicle for the Dead, take "Jack Straw" for instance and the most famous song with a tale of two is "All Along The Watchtower".
I have seen and listened to my share of Dews and if this is indeed the first one played at the Human Be-In it is quite a relaxed version for that time period. If it is , it truly is the birth of Dead music. The ride out in Dew is exactly what the Dead was all about; formlessness inside the form. Good examples are "Dark Star", of course, and later "Playing in the Band" which starts out with form and dissolves into formlessness within the form and then back into form. A musical metaphor for a trip. I always thought the Dead were at there best when they were playing "nothing". Such as a formless transition from one song to another. Those moments never lasted long enough.
Back to the Dew, given it's nuclear theme, a powerful place to see the Dead perform this song was at the Greek Theater in Berkeley. Due to the fact that the nuclear bomb was invented at the Lawrence Laboratory in the Berkeley hills just above the Greek Theater. My favorite of all the Greek Dews was 7/15/88. What a Friday night it was. But as far as this Dew is concerned it is quite incredible. 5 stars for historical context and musically a great Dew and Viola Lee. Just listen to Jerry's playing in the beginning of Viola Lee.
January 14, 2009
Subject: happy anniversary
Subject: happy anniversary
42 years,And Still Rockin
I got my shoreline ticket yesterday for 5-10-09
I got my shoreline ticket yesterday for 5-10-09
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 21, 2008 (edited)
Subject: Morning Dew
Subject: Morning Dew
Paragraph number 1: Perfection
There is no such thing as perfection, no matter how great something may be. Something can uplift us, something may make us give our lives a complete 360 turn around. Even music isn't perfect. If it were perfect, we would listen to one song every day for the rest of our lives and never grow tired of it. And to prove that perfection does not exist, I will say that I have not listened to Morning Dew from 1-14-67 in more than seven months. Why? Because I don't want to spoil what I feel to be the closest thing any musician has ever come to perfection or, what I call, contact with the super (super powerful, super unknown, super beings, or supreme beings).
The debut: When the Human Be-In took place, it was something out of the ordinary. It was the garden of Eden with the Tree Of Knowledge still bearing her apple. It was a mental picture book of our first families wandering around through Africa gazing towards a morrow of uncertainty. It was Robin Hood and His Merry Band of Thieves using guitars instead of bows and giving music to all of the people. It was a cross between Son House playing Delta Blues along a Mississippi lakeside, John Coltrane channeling a love supreme at Birdland, and a child's birthday party. Of all the bands who played at the Human Be-In, only Jefferson Airplane had had a record out and gone 4 lineup changes in the past two years. All of the other bands, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Charlatans, and Country Joe & The Fish had yet to record an album. The Human Be-In, which attracted several thousand people, may be the biggest concert in history to feature rock bands in their innocence when what they played was free and fast without the iron hands of middlemen to put them down.
2. Pig Pen
I am here to discuss Morning Dew. I will not be discussing the talented flute improvisation of Charles Lloyd from the Modern Jazz Quartet, nor will I discuss Phil's lead vocal at the end of Viola Lee Blues. I have been left wondering about the absence of Pig Pen. I have seen pictures of him at the Be-In, but there is no evidence that he appears on the recording (the harmonica on Schoolgirl is played by a homeless guy) nor does he appear in the few photographs of the band on stage.
3. Morning Dew
When I first heard Morning Dew, I nearly cried. I felt like I had gone back to some childhood memory. I could see roses unfolding, morning rain, joy, and I felt like I was alive. It brought into mind what Henry Miller said about music in Tropic Of Capricorn,
"Music is interplanetary fire. It is the slate writing of the Gods."
4. Why Is This Song Not Perfect?
Because they are playing with such emotion that Garcia makes an awkward mistake towards the end of the song. It will never bother me though. I have experienced the closes thing to perfection.
There is no such thing as perfection, no matter how great something may be. Something can uplift us, something may make us give our lives a complete 360 turn around. Even music isn't perfect. If it were perfect, we would listen to one song every day for the rest of our lives and never grow tired of it. And to prove that perfection does not exist, I will say that I have not listened to Morning Dew from 1-14-67 in more than seven months. Why? Because I don't want to spoil what I feel to be the closest thing any musician has ever come to perfection or, what I call, contact with the super (super powerful, super unknown, super beings, or supreme beings).
The debut: When the Human Be-In took place, it was something out of the ordinary. It was the garden of Eden with the Tree Of Knowledge still bearing her apple. It was a mental picture book of our first families wandering around through Africa gazing towards a morrow of uncertainty. It was Robin Hood and His Merry Band of Thieves using guitars instead of bows and giving music to all of the people. It was a cross between Son House playing Delta Blues along a Mississippi lakeside, John Coltrane channeling a love supreme at Birdland, and a child's birthday party. Of all the bands who played at the Human Be-In, only Jefferson Airplane had had a record out and gone 4 lineup changes in the past two years. All of the other bands, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Charlatans, and Country Joe & The Fish had yet to record an album. The Human Be-In, which attracted several thousand people, may be the biggest concert in history to feature rock bands in their innocence when what they played was free and fast without the iron hands of middlemen to put them down.
2. Pig Pen
I am here to discuss Morning Dew. I will not be discussing the talented flute improvisation of Charles Lloyd from the Modern Jazz Quartet, nor will I discuss Phil's lead vocal at the end of Viola Lee Blues. I have been left wondering about the absence of Pig Pen. I have seen pictures of him at the Be-In, but there is no evidence that he appears on the recording (the harmonica on Schoolgirl is played by a homeless guy) nor does he appear in the few photographs of the band on stage.
3. Morning Dew
When I first heard Morning Dew, I nearly cried. I felt like I had gone back to some childhood memory. I could see roses unfolding, morning rain, joy, and I felt like I was alive. It brought into mind what Henry Miller said about music in Tropic Of Capricorn,
"Music is interplanetary fire. It is the slate writing of the Gods."
4. Why Is This Song Not Perfect?
Because they are playing with such emotion that Garcia makes an awkward mistake towards the end of the song. It will never bother me though. I have experienced the closes thing to perfection.
L. Rosley
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 29, 2008
Subject: First known Morning Dew!! And the Human Be-in
Subject: First known Morning Dew!! And the Human Be-in
For Dew fans, this is a must-listen. Not only is it the very first of three decades of Dews, but it is a good version! It's better than many of the other 1967 Dews here at It also compares well with other '60's Dews, including the sweet 1968 recording on Two from the Vault. Not all first performances are good: the first Me and My Uncle from November 1966 is quite awful.
But there is more significance to this Morning Dew. It is the earliest instance of a sound that is recognizably Grateful Dead. What a contrast from even the previous month of December 1966. For the first time, Jerry finds his vocal style, not apparent in any of the '66 shows at (I've listened to them all.) Also for the first time, Jerry finds a guitar style and sound that is recognizable as Grateful Dead. The 1966 stuff is great fun, and some of it quite good -- the soulful blues, the Beatles-like and surfer-like pop, the twangy guitar, great Pigpen vocals -- but this Dew is the Dead.
Here, the Cream Puff jam has it's moments. The School Girl bit is interesting because it gives you an idea of what it might have been like in Golden Gate Park that day at the Human Be-in. This was no rock concert.
But there is more significance to this Morning Dew. It is the earliest instance of a sound that is recognizably Grateful Dead. What a contrast from even the previous month of December 1966. For the first time, Jerry finds his vocal style, not apparent in any of the '66 shows at (I've listened to them all.) Also for the first time, Jerry finds a guitar style and sound that is recognizable as Grateful Dead. The 1966 stuff is great fun, and some of it quite good -- the soulful blues, the Beatles-like and surfer-like pop, the twangy guitar, great Pigpen vocals -- but this Dew is the Dead.
Here, the Cream Puff jam has it's moments. The School Girl bit is interesting because it gives you an idea of what it might have been like in Golden Gate Park that day at the Human Be-in. This was no rock concert.
Burnt Rich
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April 17, 2008
Subject: Whats up, Doc??!!
Subject: Whats up, Doc??!!
I was hoping others caught on to "who" uploaded this one,too!! One quick stroll down the reviews and I wasn't the only one. ;)
Glad it is here for history. Sound like there is some question as to if this is the correct/show dates....anybody clear this up for us tots?
Glad it is here for history. Sound like there is some question as to if this is the correct/show dates....anybody clear this up for us tots?
Chris U.
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January 9, 2008 (edited)
Subject: Let's get one thing straight
Subject: Let's get one thing straight
"Someone tacked this onto a tape of 10/12/68 (mislabeled 10/13) and because of Bill's drumming, I thought for sure it was him and Mickey. That's how good he is here."
I had that same exact tape and I'm sure many others did.
There is no question that there are two drummers on this recording and the louder of the two is undoubtedly Mickey Hart.
This Morning Dew at least is not from January of 1967. No way. No how. I don't believe it was recorded outdoors at any venue. Based on the sounds of the instruments, Bobby's playing, the presence of the two drummers, and the sound of Jerry's guitar I'm saying sometime in the summer of '68.
It is, however, one of the very best versions of Dew ever, equal to the fantastic 5-6-70 version at least. How about that falsetto vocal before the final jam? Love IT.
If you want to hear Billy drumming all by his awesome self, check out the Viola Lee which follows the Dew -- obviously recorded at a different time and venue. One of the greatest drummers ever in the history of rock and roll.
I had that same exact tape and I'm sure many others did.
There is no question that there are two drummers on this recording and the louder of the two is undoubtedly Mickey Hart.
This Morning Dew at least is not from January of 1967. No way. No how. I don't believe it was recorded outdoors at any venue. Based on the sounds of the instruments, Bobby's playing, the presence of the two drummers, and the sound of Jerry's guitar I'm saying sometime in the summer of '68.
It is, however, one of the very best versions of Dew ever, equal to the fantastic 5-6-70 version at least. How about that falsetto vocal before the final jam? Love IT.
If you want to hear Billy drumming all by his awesome self, check out the Viola Lee which follows the Dew -- obviously recorded at a different time and venue. One of the greatest drummers ever in the history of rock and roll.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 8, 2008
Subject: The best Morning Dew?
Subject: The best Morning Dew?
Very emotional rendition from the whole band, particularly Jerry's solo and Bill's drumming. So emotional, in fact, that Jerry screws up near the end.
Someone tacked this onto a tape of 10/12/68 (mislabeled 10/13) and because of Bill's drumming, I thought for sure it was him and Mickey. That's how good he is here.
Someone tacked this onto a tape of 10/12/68 (mislabeled 10/13) and because of Bill's drumming, I thought for sure it was him and Mickey. That's how good he is here.
Wally Gator
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 15, 2007
Subject: Thank You!
Subject: Thank You!
Thank You to everyone involved in this way excellent site! If you don't like this Jerry jammin', you got a hole in your soul. Good Viola Lee.
Evan S. Hunt
favoritefavorite -
December 11, 2006
Subject: Three Times In 27 Hours
Subject: Three Times In 27 Hours
I saw the GD 3 times within 27 hours: The night before at the Berkeley Community Theater as a last sec replacement for Jose Feliciano at a Mamas & Papas concert, the afternoon of the 14th at the Polo Fields, and that evening at the Fillmore Auditorium with Junior Wells and the Doors.
The Friday night concert was attended by me, my dad and brothers. On the following morning I hitchhiked to Golden Gate Park from Lafayette, hitchhiked back to Lafayette after the Be-In, then drove with friends to the Fillmore later in the evening. I was a short-haired, freshfaced, innocent 17 and a senior in high school, but I had been around the burgeoning hip scene enough to fit in. I was also familiar with the Beatnik scene on Telegraph Ave in Berkeley and also had mistakenly attended an Acid Test in San Jose thinking that I was going to one of my brother's fraternity parties.
At the Be-In I was fairly close to stage right and remember the GD's and the JA's sets and both were amazingly loud even though by 1968 P.A. systems would dwarf what was used at the Be-In. I seem to recall also, that there were sound problems. The whole affair was quite an eye-opener for a young kid seeing his first pair of naked female breasts, but it was warm and I took my jacket off and danced in herky-jerky motions like everybody else. People around me shared sandwiches and cokes. No one dosed me, and, though people were smoking joints, no one offered me any.
All in all, it was an easygoing afternoon of music, but I didn't care for the political gobbledeegook between sets. During those early days of free concerts in the park it seemed as though there was always someone spouting great swirling speeches about the atrocities with which the establishment was dousing the hip world. They seemed to come out of the woodwork if an open microphone materialized. Most all of us who attended free shows did not relish the between set rhetoric. All we wanted was the music. To get the music you had to endure speeches.
This is not a good recording, but it suffices for historical reckoning and is good enough to sit through. Charles Llyod plays flute with the Dead during Schoolgirl and sings and scats different lyrics to the song. You can also hear Phil screaming "slow down" near the end of Schoolgirl. They slow quickly to a stop.
By listening to this, I can actually feel that warm sunshine on my face and the overall sunny disposition of the crowd.
Warm weather in San Francisco in January is not all that out of the ordinary. It can be quite a bit more pleasant in January than a windswept and foggy July day out in the avenues on the edge of the continent.
Then again, we weren't there for the sunshine, or the music, or the sandwiches, or the speeches. We were there because being there was on the edge. It was the place to be.
This show merits two stars because of its significance and because it is not as bad, in context, as other recordings I've heard on this site.
The Friday night concert was attended by me, my dad and brothers. On the following morning I hitchhiked to Golden Gate Park from Lafayette, hitchhiked back to Lafayette after the Be-In, then drove with friends to the Fillmore later in the evening. I was a short-haired, freshfaced, innocent 17 and a senior in high school, but I had been around the burgeoning hip scene enough to fit in. I was also familiar with the Beatnik scene on Telegraph Ave in Berkeley and also had mistakenly attended an Acid Test in San Jose thinking that I was going to one of my brother's fraternity parties.
At the Be-In I was fairly close to stage right and remember the GD's and the JA's sets and both were amazingly loud even though by 1968 P.A. systems would dwarf what was used at the Be-In. I seem to recall also, that there were sound problems. The whole affair was quite an eye-opener for a young kid seeing his first pair of naked female breasts, but it was warm and I took my jacket off and danced in herky-jerky motions like everybody else. People around me shared sandwiches and cokes. No one dosed me, and, though people were smoking joints, no one offered me any.
All in all, it was an easygoing afternoon of music, but I didn't care for the political gobbledeegook between sets. During those early days of free concerts in the park it seemed as though there was always someone spouting great swirling speeches about the atrocities with which the establishment was dousing the hip world. They seemed to come out of the woodwork if an open microphone materialized. Most all of us who attended free shows did not relish the between set rhetoric. All we wanted was the music. To get the music you had to endure speeches.
This is not a good recording, but it suffices for historical reckoning and is good enough to sit through. Charles Llyod plays flute with the Dead during Schoolgirl and sings and scats different lyrics to the song. You can also hear Phil screaming "slow down" near the end of Schoolgirl. They slow quickly to a stop.
By listening to this, I can actually feel that warm sunshine on my face and the overall sunny disposition of the crowd.
Warm weather in San Francisco in January is not all that out of the ordinary. It can be quite a bit more pleasant in January than a windswept and foggy July day out in the avenues on the edge of the continent.
Then again, we weren't there for the sunshine, or the music, or the sandwiches, or the speeches. We were there because being there was on the edge. It was the place to be.
This show merits two stars because of its significance and because it is not as bad, in context, as other recordings I've heard on this site.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 21, 2006
Subject: HST in the house
Subject: HST in the house
gdfan02, right on! props to HST ---
"It's okay.
He's just admiring the shape of your skull (and roses?)..."
- respect the Dead = yes, This recording isn't much more than history recorded (gonna give it a five for being part of the archive - but it's bad-- unlistenable except from an uber-fans point of view).
"As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown flask in my shaving kit." and everyting be IRE.
Props to the boyz
the person who upload this one,
and to archive...
God bless USA --
AND god bless the grateful dead.
"It's okay.
He's just admiring the shape of your skull (and roses?)..."
- respect the Dead = yes, This recording isn't much more than history recorded (gonna give it a five for being part of the archive - but it's bad-- unlistenable except from an uber-fans point of view).
"As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown flask in my shaving kit." and everyting be IRE.
Props to the boyz
the person who upload this one,
and to archive...
God bless USA --
AND god bless the grateful dead.
Uncle Edge
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 21, 2006
Subject: Be kind to the floutist
Subject: Be kind to the floutist
Given the frame of mind of the majority of participants at the Human Be-In, it's amazing that the Dead themselves got through their set. The flute is likely played by Ron Thelin, who was the owner of the Psychedlic Shop and an instrumental figure in the growth of the San Francisco scene. While we sit here straight and criticize, the vibe their was everything goes so I'm sure no one noticed. Anyway the historical importance doesn't get much greater than this and given that it was 1967 and everyone was gonzo, the quality is pretty spectacular.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
July 24, 2006
Subject: context
Subject: context
I found the songs--even Schoolgirl--to be rather good considering the context in which they were played. This was the first "happening" where all of the FREAKS got together & realized "what was going on." According to some, Bear had made acid for the event & it was passed out freely by the Diggers---so EVERYONE was TRIPPIN'!!! The flute in Schoolgirl did seem to be played in a different key than the song was normally played in, and it was a little distracting. The man that was "rapping" added to the performance---at least that's what I thought. It IS worth the listen, though.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 26, 2006
Subject: R U Kidding Me?
Subject: R U Kidding Me?
This was a landmark historical to be treasured over time.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
February 27, 2006
Subject: Be-In
Subject: Be-In
This show is flawed. Its missing the opener: Dancing in The Streets (is there a recording of this dancin anywhere?). Also its out of order, it should be: Dancin, Morning Dew, Schoolgirl> Viola Lee. BTW, check out this first Morning Dew... a good preview of what the dead is about to become within the next 3 years and after.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
December 27, 2005
Subject: We cant stop now, this is bat country
Subject: We cant stop now, this is bat country
hunter s thompson helped transfer this show?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 4, 2005
Subject: History Class
Subject: History Class
I am a dead fan of the next generation. I am far to young to have ever seen them, but the archive has changed me into another helpless follower.
That said, I was doing my reading for my high school US history class, and this show was in my textbook. The great human be-in. How could I not grab this show and take a listen, it's homework!
Not the best display of '67 dead, but good nonetheless.
That said, I was doing my reading for my high school US history class, and this show was in my textbook. The great human be-in. How could I not grab this show and take a listen, it's homework!
Not the best display of '67 dead, but good nonetheless.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 4, 2005
Subject: interesting
Subject: interesting
I like the fact that they can morph from such a restrained, lyrical 'Schoolgirl' into something as lighthearted as 'Morning Dew'. It appeals to my sense of humour!
btw, does anyone have a lyric sheet for that 'Schoolgirl'? Well, I am interested, but quite apart from that, pour yourself another drink - you deserve it!
btw, does anyone have a lyric sheet for that 'Schoolgirl'? Well, I am interested, but quite apart from that, pour yourself another drink - you deserve it!
favorite -
July 10, 2005
Subject: Worst Good Morning Little Schoolgirl EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Worst Good Morning Little Schoolgirl EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG Whoever fed that guy too much of the ol' uncle cid should be b*tch slaped...
Other than my ENTIRE HATRED of Schoolgirl, the rest is quite nice... grate jamming and good sound.
4 stars for Dew & Viola Lee
-6 for the Schoolgirl.
Look around for a better one.
OMG Whoever fed that guy too much of the ol' uncle cid should be b*tch slaped...
Other than my ENTIRE HATRED of Schoolgirl, the rest is quite nice... grate jamming and good sound.
4 stars for Dew & Viola Lee
-6 for the Schoolgirl.
Look around for a better one.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 26, 2005
Subject: Memories
Subject: Memories
I lived on the Peninsula and took a bus with a friend of mine to be at this event, my first look
at what was happening in SF (I was 16 at the time) and this day did be honest, I just barely remember hearing the dead..but listening to this recording brings back some memories of the sites and sounds..and the smell of eucalyptus that I love and miss..but..this the day I more or less got on the bus..
Jim longago transplant from the Bay Area
at what was happening in SF (I was 16 at the time) and this day did be honest, I just barely remember hearing the dead..but listening to this recording brings back some memories of the sites and sounds..and the smell of eucalyptus that I love and miss..but..this the day I more or less got on the bus..
Jim longago transplant from the Bay Area
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 12, 2005
Subject: The Human Be-in
Subject: The Human Be-in
This was a bright and legendarily cosmic day that brought every freak in the Haight out to the Polo Fields -- an energized, magical location that Phil likens to Avebury in England --
beyond the historical interest of this show, it's a killer performance. The sound for the premier of Morning Dew is gorgeous.The other two tracks, btw are out of order. You can hear them launch into Viola Lee at the end of Schoolgirl.
The Dead are joined onstage during Schoolgirl by the great Bay Area multi-instrumentalist Charles Lloyd. All the musicians shared a huge inspiration from John Coltrane and it's interesting to hear Charles' sparkling bursts of notes pushing out against the Dead's surging intensity here. Eventually Charles launches into a passionate rave that really seems appropriate to that time and place... the boys were obviously psyched up after that because they just shred Viola Lee to pieces... 1967 took off to a good start that day.
Much thanks to the Archive, it's so wonderful to hear this historic event, a crossing of the new musical streams in the late 60s and in many ways a peak moment of that time period.
This is also the show where Dizzy Gillespie turned to Ralph Gleason and asked, "who are these guys? They sure can swing."
beyond the historical interest of this show, it's a killer performance. The sound for the premier of Morning Dew is gorgeous.The other two tracks, btw are out of order. You can hear them launch into Viola Lee at the end of Schoolgirl.
The Dead are joined onstage during Schoolgirl by the great Bay Area multi-instrumentalist Charles Lloyd. All the musicians shared a huge inspiration from John Coltrane and it's interesting to hear Charles' sparkling bursts of notes pushing out against the Dead's surging intensity here. Eventually Charles launches into a passionate rave that really seems appropriate to that time and place... the boys were obviously psyched up after that because they just shred Viola Lee to pieces... 1967 took off to a good start that day.
Much thanks to the Archive, it's so wonderful to hear this historic event, a crossing of the new musical streams in the late 60s and in many ways a peak moment of that time period.
This is also the show where Dizzy Gillespie turned to Ralph Gleason and asked, "who are these guys? They sure can swing."
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 26, 2005
Subject: A Gathering of Tribes
Subject: A Gathering of Tribes
The morning dew here is actually very nice. After Jerry says "I guess it doesn't matter anyway" they go into a nice little jam that sounds very soothing to the ears. It's really cool that this early on in their career and the first time they played it live, morning dew could sound soo damn good.
The viola lee here is pretty interesting. Like said before, it's nothing special, just some free-form fun.
The good morning little schoolgirl is def. a throwaway version. The flute really distracts from how awesome their set was.
The sound quality isn't as bad as people say. It can be a little muddy and there's a decent amount of hiss, but it's not unlistenable. It actually adds to the nostalgic feeling.
This is worth the download, if for nothing else but the fact that you're listening to the friggin be-in man! How cool is that!?
The viola lee here is pretty interesting. Like said before, it's nothing special, just some free-form fun.
The good morning little schoolgirl is def. a throwaway version. The flute really distracts from how awesome their set was.
The sound quality isn't as bad as people say. It can be a little muddy and there's a decent amount of hiss, but it's not unlistenable. It actually adds to the nostalgic feeling.
This is worth the download, if for nothing else but the fact that you're listening to the friggin be-in man! How cool is that!?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 22, 2005
Subject: 9 years...
Subject: 9 years...
this was recordeed 9 years before i was born....i like the old "dirty" audio...lets you know you were listening to a 38 year old recording, kinda sets the mood...definately good stuff, even if it is not "crisp"...check it out, cant go wrong with morning dew......i give 5 for audio and content, even though its not sbd or super aud.... it lets you know its old, and thats gotta be worth something
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 14, 2005 (edited)
Subject: Dew
Subject: Dew
This is the Morning Dew that i'd heard many times but incorrectly identified on various bootlegs, ascribing it to shows in like Oct. '68. Recording quality to me is really quite acceptable, and the musical value is worth the trouble of diddling w/ the EQ. Jer and the band really let it fly. Kinda surprising to hear them sounding this advanced so early in '67. Funny, the "distracting flute" and the rapping guy (anyone knows who was on stage?) make this "forgettable" Schoolgirl a unique event; a free-form outdoors Acid Test. Bongos anyone?
Jose Gaspar
favoritefavoritefavorite -
January 25, 2005
Subject: Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
Subject: Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
"Good Morning Little School Girl" is forgettable, but the other two tracks are keepers. "Viola Lee Blues" may not have an imaginative solo, but it captures the raw power of the group when it played straight ahead rock. To those of us who grew up listening to AM radio in our cars during the 1950s (because our parents wouldn't let us play it at home), the sound quality actually is an improvement and adds a nostalgic quality.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
January 14, 2005
Subject: Ditto that...
Subject: Ditto that...
Ditto, ditto, ditto...
The other reviews have hit the nail on the head. No need for me to say anything else.
The other reviews have hit the nail on the head. No need for me to say anything else.
Joel Benington
favoritefavoritefavorite -
September 6, 2004
Subject: Excellent Morning Dew
Subject: Excellent Morning Dew
Sound quality is only C+, but Morning Dew is tight and heartfelt--one of the most satisfying I've heard. Phil provides a solid foundation for the closing jam, and Jerry remembers all of the lyrics! I frankly haven't listened to the other two numbers.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
July 15, 2004
Subject: Historical Interest
Subject: Historical Interest
Sound quality is pretty bad, with a lot of hiss and occasional fits of muddiness; to me it's not quite unlistenable, but pickier ears will have trouble.
Between the Human Be-In and what appears to be the first "Morning Dew", the set is historically interesting, and in fact the version of "Dew" is quite decent, but the other two songs are pretty formless, essentially long solos over the chord progressions, inoffensive but not particularly inspired. To my ear the flute is just a distraction and never seems to quite settle in with the songs.
Between the Human Be-In and what appears to be the first "Morning Dew", the set is historically interesting, and in fact the version of "Dew" is quite decent, but the other two songs are pretty formless, essentially long solos over the chord progressions, inoffensive but not particularly inspired. To my ear the flute is just a distraction and never seems to quite settle in with the songs.
There are 40 reviews for this item. .
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